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  • gratitude
    Originally Published Jun 09, 2016 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Every Sunday, around the world, people say to themselves, “Ugh, I have to go to work tomorrow,” It’s understandable. It is sad when our time to spend with family and do the things we enjoy is over. With a positive mindset, we can alter that perception and look forward to all aspects of our lives; work included!

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  • architecture-1836070_1920
    Originally Published Aug 15, 2016 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Being a REALTOR® is not just about selling homes, it’s also about selling your personal brand as a real estate agent. Home buyers and sellers will, more often than not, hire a REALTOR® they know rather than someone they have never heard of before. Establishing your personal brand as the neighborhood REALTOR® will assure clients that you are the expert in an area, that you understand their needs and have the experience to close a deal.

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  • All the savings of technology have been shifted to the customer with Conquest Graphics.
    Originally Published Sep 06, 2016 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Variable Data Printing is a type of digital printing that customizes each piece during the press run. This means that you can print any digitally print item with different text or images on each piece. This allows personalized print materials to attract more interest or communicate a very specific message.

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  • The history of printing goes way back.
    Originally Published Nov 30, 2016 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    In a world where choices for the service industries are quickly shifting more and more towards online options, some consumers and businesses may lean towards dealing with local service providers thinking local vendors will save them money and or time. In fact, when considering printing needs, using an online printing service provides more benefits when compared to the local printing company.

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  • Visible light on the Electromagnetic Spectrum, showing how only a small portion is visible like colors in print or digital applications.
    Originally Published Dec 09, 2016 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Every day we interact with our environment and other people, taking in everything we see often times without ever giving this information a second thought. The bright orange of a sunrise, the green of the trees and grass, even the black asphalt and yellow lines of the road along our daily commute. These colors help to shape our daily experiences and are often the reason that we react to certain situations in specific ways.

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  • Feeling out of sorts? Well, turns out you have the print industry to thank for the invention of that phrase.
    Originally Published Dec 20, 2016 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Thinking about the environmental impact of your print job is an important step when deciding on a commercial printer. Whether in advertisements or even on the packaging of the products we purchase everyday, the terms “eco-friendly” or “green” have become as pervasive as the efforts they represent. What does it mean to be a “green” printer and what steps are taken during the printing process to promote sustainability and cut down on waste?

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  • Web-to-Print printers with digital presses can save you tons of money on commercial print.
    Originally Published Dec 30, 2016 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Anyone who has produced a catalog for their business has seen the benefits that it can provide. Whether your company specializes in retail, wholesale or you are an artist producing a portfolio, a catalog is an excellent option to place in the hands of a prospective buyer for them to browse at their leisure.

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  • brochure-printing-icon
    Originally Published Jan 03, 2017 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    If you have ever received a brochure, and the vast majority of us have, you may have wondered why businesses spend time and money printing these items when they could easily just send an electronic version. This week's blog takes a look at why printed brochures are such an effective marketing tool that you should begin leveraging today if you aren't already.

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  • brainstorming-colleagues-conversation-1260308
    Originally Published Jan 13, 2017 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Direct marketing is an important and valuable tool for many businesses and organizations that are focused on specific geographic areas, or are attempting to reach a small local community. One of the most effective methods for reaching a targeted audience when conducting a direct marketing campaign is canvassing.

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  • The first step to making effective, cheap brochures is knowing your customer and your product fully.
    Originally Published Oct 01, 2015 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Brochures promote your company’s products and services, letting the reader know what you can do for them in a concise, appealing manner. It also represents your business when you are not there, so it should be as professional looking as possible and should present the messages you would otherwise convey in person.

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  • Web-to-Print will become one of the most popular ways to buy print in the next few years.
    Originally Published Nov 10, 2015 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Technology is constantly changing the way we operate, personally and professionally. That’s the world we live in. The printing industry has been along for the ride and continues to see changes that impact the way we print. Most people, including you, have the ability to benefit from the changes in printing

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  • Print and Digital Media need to work in perfect harmony for your brand
    Originally Published Nov 11, 2015 | Updated Feb 05, 2020

    Historically, print shops have been local establishments serving local and regional communities. But, with the emergence of Online Printers, there’s a whole new realm of possibilities available to you that wasn't previously an option. Discounted pricing, shorter turnarounds and more personalization are just a few of the benefits.

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