At AHP our donors are part of the A Helping Paw family - after all, it is their generous and kind support that makes our work possible. We feel it is crucial to stay in touch with our 'family' about all the amazing work we are doing to create a -no-kill future for pets.
Being community minded we like to share what we are doing in the community to help more pets and the people who rely on them. Through our newsletters we make announcements on our many programs that will benefit the most from our services. For example: our special events like "Fix N' Felines Father's Day Special", No more Litters - mother's Day" event, and our pet food pantry special pick up locations. Donors & supporters want to hear about all the wonderful ways we are working hard to make better lives for the pets. It truly touches home when they can see the adorable photos and read the touching stories of each individual pet. It truly makes them feel they are such a vital part of our organization and the life-saving work we do.
We also feel it is important to thank the businesses who support our cause and are always happy to share any Corporate donations received on behalf of the animals. These businesses can make a huge impact in their local communities. We know people like to support those businesses who support their local community so it is a win/win for everyone.
By offering newsletter sign up and passing out print newsletters at events we are able to encourage new pet lovers to join us in our mission to end the suffering of innocent pets. This also leads to more donors and additional funding to help us reach our goals. In addition, it gives these new pet lovers information on our many programs and how we can help them or another pet lover they may know. Spreading the word about our community programs.
Furthermore we can keep our pet loving family up to date with any new events or programs we may have and obtain their input working as a team to develop more creative ideas and ways we can reach the pets in most urgent need.
We also enclose our newsletter with each online sale we make. As many of these folks are new to our charity it is a wonderful way to help them learn more about what we do and how they can get involved with our programs.
In these days of social media where everything seems so impersonal and distant we feel direct mail is crucial at keeping and building the trusted relationships we have with our donors and supporters. In fact, we find by using social media alone many of the people who provide a great support to us would be missed as they prefer to avoid social media.
We would like to reach out to our donors & supporters more often, however with increased printing and postal costs for mailing our small charity finds it difficult as we do not want to take crucial funding away from our vital programs and the pets who rely upon us.
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